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For 40 years "Let's Talk about Jesus"
has been touching people's lives.
Has it touched yours?
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Mon - Fri 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM & Sat 9:00 AM - 12:00PM
A wonderful ministry of love & grace has grown up around the "Let's Talk about Jesus" radio program.
Unbelievers are saved
Christians are taught to grow into the full maturity of their biblical, New Covenant priesthood
Denominations are set aside as Christians come together in love & unity
Talking about Jesus remains the reason for the radio program being on the air
We are 100% listener supported. We need your help
to stay on the air. Your generous gift helps keep
"Let's Talk About Jesus" on the radio.
Your tax-deductible contribution may also be made by check or credit card (Visa, Amex, Master Card or Discover) to:
Loving Grace Ministries
P.O. Box 500
Lafayette, NJ 07848

Loving Grace Ministries is a nonprofit tax-exempt I.R.S. 501 (c) (3) organization and a member of ECFA, The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
Please Note that you do not need a PayPal account to make a donation. Online donations to Loving Grace Ministries are facilitated by PayPal to ensure security, but you may place your donation on your debit or credit card without creating or using a PayPal account. Please click "Donations & Monthly Partnership Help & FAQs" for more details as well as a step by step guide.

“Thank you so much for helping the body of Christ keep focused on Jesus. Thank you for your devotion to Him and your determination to preach Jesus and Him only. It is a true blessing to listen to your service as I travel each day with my job.”
Mimi, Southampton NJ
“Can’t imagine my day without you. Thanks for all the insights into the love of Jesus and His constant help. You-re helping many of hold on! But much more than that! You show us the abundant life Jesus wants us to have, a life of peace and joy. We need you!”
Jim, Cherry Hill NJ
“I’ve heard a LOT of both TV and radio ministry shows, but none that offer the simplicity and pureness of our Lord Jesus Christ as you do. Also very special to me is how you refer to your radio hour as a service, how we are all together as one for that time as if seated in a congregation. So comforting for shut-ins like myself, for the elderly, for the disabled etc. Thank you for all these years of having the privilege of growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through your ministry.”
Susan, Paramus NJ
“No matter how long we walk with the Lord we need encouragement. It is so important for you to continue teaching, encouraging, and supporting all Christians in this non-Christian world. Your work is so, so important.”
Anne, Riverhead NY
“I honor your faithfulness. It speaks volumes to me as a young pastor myself. I am delighted to witness your steadfastness in the Lord and the joy with which you approach every program. Congratulations on four decades of faithfulness, obedience, and service.”
Todd, Berkley Heights NJ