Receive regular monthly encouragement in the New Covenant and glorious grace of our Risen Savior Jesus Christ.
Available each month for free when you
Always Timely, Monthly Meditations is a great way to stay focused upon our Savior and receive much needed Spirit-filled encouragement in our "on-going, up-growing" relationship with Jesus Christ! Each month Rev. Wayne chooses from messages he has shared during the previous month over "Let's Talk About Jesus". He puts them together along with his personal prayers and words of encouragement and then sends them out to our sustaining partners and Monthly Meditations subscribers.
We have rolled back the price of Monthly Meditations from $60 to only $50 per year, and we're also offering a free single Loving Grace spoken word message of your choice on either CD or cassette when you join or re-subscribe to Montly Meditations! Plus, your membership assists the on-going ministry of "Let's Talk About Jesus".
Monthly Meditations makes a great gift! Whether it be a birthday, a special anniversary, graduation, Christmas gift, or simply a spirit-led gift of love, Monthly Meditations ministers the love of Jesus Christ, and your love as well, every month to the person of your choice.
Sign up today and start receiving your blessings from Monthly Meditations! Choose a bonus message from the list located at the bottom of this page, then click the button below this paragraph to fill out your order form. We'll get you started right away. May God truly bless you and minister His life to you abundantly through your membership to Monthly Meditations!
"Let's Talk About Jesus" Inspirational Message Club
Monthly Meditations
With Rev. Wayne Monbleau

March 2025
This Month's Messages:
Opening & Sharing
The "Now Mays" Of God
& A Healing Prayer -
Closing & Prayer