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Reverend Wayne's first daily devotional focuses on the theme of faith, and learning about the character of Christ, our savior, through the analogy of the Good Shepherd- as revealed to us through the words of Christ Himself.

This devotional is great for increasing faith on an individual basis, and it is also perfect for bible-study groups and families to meditate and reflect on together.

30 Days With Your Good Shepherd Jesus Christ-30DAY

  • Dear Beloved Child Of God,

    I invite you to take a wonderful journey of transformation, in the intimate company of your Good Shepherd Jesus Christ, for the next thirty days.

    Discover with joy how hearing His voice and following Christ, as your Good Shepherd, vastly increases your awareness and understanding of God, and of your most blessed life with Him.

    Realize and experience the mighty life-changing benefits that come to you as you learn to see yourself as a beloved sheep always in the presence and company of your Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

    May God richly bless you with Himself.
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