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Jesus Christ Is Our High Priest Of The New Covenant

Today’s Word of Encouragement From Wayne:

Jesus Christ Is Our High Priest Of The New Covenant

“The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, ‘You are a priest forever’; so much the more also Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant”

Hebrews 7:21-22, Psalm 110:4

The writer of Hebrews recognized Psalm 110 as being prophetic of Jesus Christ. He quoted this passage from Psalm 110, that we have been looking at for the past two days, and then added, “so much the more Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant.”

Earlier on, as the writer of Hebrews described Abraham meeting Melchizadek and being blessed (Hebrews 7:4-11 & see Genesis 14), both proving the superiority of and the predating of the New Covenant and the Melchizadek priesthood over the Old Covenant with it’s Levitical priesthood, he concluded this portion by declaring, “For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also” (Hebrews 7:12).

Why is our Savior Jesus “a priest forever according to the order of Melchizadek” (Psalm 110:4)? Our Lord Jesus Christ is both King and High Priest of a New Covenant, through which we live in Christ, and in fact are declared to be His Own “royal priesthood” (1st Peter 2:9). Jesus our High Priest is, Himself, our guarantee of a New and “better covenant.” A New Covenant & A New Priesthood = A New Creation In Jesus Christ. This truth should add much greater weight and importance to our own reception and understanding of Jesus’ words on the eve of His crucifixion, as He instituted communion by saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the NEW COVENANT in My blood” (Luke 22:20).

Our Savior faithfully fulfilled the Old Covenant by living sinlessly in perfect obedience to His Abba Father, and He paid for our sins at Calvary with HIS OWN NEW COVENANT BLOOD, which Covenant He instituted through His death and resurrection.

This is the one and only covenant in which true Christians are able to live.

Rejoice in your New Covenant High Priest by being a priest unto God yourself (1st Peter 2:5-9).

The truth for us to realize, of Jesus Christ now, is just exactly as God prophesied through Isaiah, saying “I will appoint You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations” (Isaiah 42:6). Jesus Christ is our King and High Priest of a New Covenant, for He Himself IS our New Covenant, and His atoning blood, the blood of our salvation, is His Own New Covenant blood.

I encourage you to say to God today with humility, gratitude, and thankfulness; “You are my better High Priest and You have given me salvation and new life through Your better New Covenant. Thank You Lord Jesus, my King, my Priest, my Covenant, now and forever. Hallelujah!”

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