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God Closed The Door Behind You

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

God Closed The Door Behind You

“But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall enter the ark” Genesis 6:18

“And the Lord closed it behind him.”

Genesis 7:16

When Noah entered the ark with all his family and all of the living beings, God then closed the door behind them, meaning that God, Himself, sealed the deal on the covenant He made with Noah, and that the former world Noah had lived in was now forever behind him.

Praise God, for when you and I received Jesus Christ our Savior, entering the ark of our salvation in Him, our Father God closed the door on the world behind us, sealing the deal on our belonging to Him, through the New Covenant blood of His Son.

We are forever saved and apart from the old life, the old world of destruction and sin, thank You Lord, and we have graciously been forever “sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise” (Ephesians 1:13). Praise His name!

When God closed the door on the ark it also means that God made sure Noah and all inside were completely safe.

When God closed the door on our ark, of new life in Christ, it also means that we are now completely safe with Him.

You and I are allowed to touch this truth, of being sealed with God and safe in His presence, every time we minister to the Lord.

Consider this verse again; “You, when you pray, go into your inner room, CLOSE YOUR DOOR, and pray to your Father Who is in secret” (Matthew 6:6). Every time we close the door to enter our priesthood to God, the closed door represents our being in our inner room, the room within us, the inner court of ministering to the Lord, exclusively for our Lord (Ezekiel 44).

In light of this verse from Genesis, the closed door also speaks of our being sealed in God, separate from the world, safe in His presence, and set apart for a new abundant life that He has prepared.

Thank God because, when you gave your life to Jesus Christ, your Abba Father sealed the deal for you, Himself, by closing the door behind you, so that you might live safely and abundantly with Him, today and forever.

Minister to your Lord this day, within your inner room, your temple, your ark of safety and salvation, filled with His holy presence. Hallelujah!

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