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Rest For Your Soul

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Rest For Your Soul

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”

Matthew 11:29

I encourage you to take the yoke of Jesus upon you, enter into His rest, and allow His yoke to remain upon you when you worship.

Being a priest unto your Lord, yourself (1 Peter 2:9), in the yoke with your High Priest Jesus Christ ( Hebrews 3:1) - this is a most wonderful way to enter worship. In His presence, in worship and devotion, is the perfect place for you to clearly see and be transformed by the truth that “I am gentle and humble in heart.” You are so blessed to behold your Savior this way, so close to Him, when you are in His yoke with Him in worship.

With the yoke of Jesus upon you in worship, the Holy Spirit of God fills you with the qualities of your High priest, His gentleness and His humility. With the yoke of Jesus upon you in worship, these qualities more readily minister to you, even as you are “ministering to the Lord” (Acts 13:2).

There is such great life-renewing rest for your soul in this place.

You see, when you are consciously in the yoke with Jesus and you do behold His gentle and humble heart, you become changed into this image within yourself (gentle, humble, resting) the more clearly you see His disposition towards you. Jesus Christ wants and invites you to take His yoke upon you, specifically so you will see that He is gentle and humble in heart, so that you will experience true, continually sustained, rest for your soul in Him.

Yes, you may truly rest in Jesus. There is peaceful, renewing rest for you when you are in the yoke with your gentle and humble Savior, learning from Him and being transformed by Him as you worship in His presence.

Today, I encourage you to respond to His call, to the gracious invitation of Jesus, for you to “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.” True rest is awaiting you in the yoke of His presence and word. Hallelujah!

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