Let God’s Presence Fill Your Absence
Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord.’ And he worshiped the Lord there”
1 Samuel 1:28
Hannah, who was greatly loved by her husband, yet childless, sought the Lord and prayed fervently for His mercy upon her, that she would bear a child which, she promised God, “I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life” (vs 11). Scripture says, “The Lord remembered her” (vs 19) and Samuel was born, whom Hannah did dedicate to God.
The first reference to little Samuel, just three years old, as his mother brought him to the temple to give him to God, is “And he worshiped the Lord there.” I don’t know if Samuel cried for his mother but I do know “he worshiped the Lord there.”
Samuel, of course, would grow from the little boy worshiping God into the prophet of God, anointing David to be king of Israel.
From our very first Christian thoughts, let us also dedicate ourselves to God, in His presence, and worship Him.
Let us be the little child of God who, like Samuel, from the very beginning learns to worship God and, therefore, grows up strong in His presence.
David once wrote, “for my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me up” (Psalm 27: 10). Did David get this from Samuel perhaps? In God’s presence is our fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). In God’s presence He takes us up, up into Himself where He becomes all we see.
I encourage you this day to allow God’s presence to “take you up” into Himself.
Let your loving Lord be more real and present to you than the thought of somebody else’s absence.
Samuel, and Hannah, both committed themselves to their Lord, and God’s presence and favor proved to be the greatest reward to both of their lives. God gave Hannah many more children, and God blessed Samuel with His presence, power, and anointing to be a priest to the Lord, a prophet to King David and, therefore, an important link in the chain of our Messiah, Jesus Christ, coming to us.
The presence of God is ready, right now, to fill you “up” and minister to you. Worship your Lord as a little beloved child of God, just like Samuel did, and allow His presence become greater to you than any absence. Hallelujah!
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