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The One Thing vs. Many Things

Today’s Word of Encouragement From Wayne:

The One Thing vs. Many Things

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her”

Luke 10:41-42

Have you chosen the good part? Or have you chosen another part, which may not be so good?

Mary chose the good part which was this: “Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word” (Luke 10:39).

Martha was choosing, by contrast, a not good part which was, “you are worried and bothered about so many things.”

You and I can choose to be “worried and bothered about so many things” today, or we can choose the “one thing” that Jesus said “is necessary,” that is “the good part which shall not be taken away.”

You see, it’s actually quite simple. We are offered a choice of “one thing” or of “many things.”

The “one thing,” “the good part,” is being with Jesus as close as you can be, “seated at the Lord’s feet” in rest, closeness, humility, and sweet intimate fellowship.

This is a gift for you and it can never be taken away from you.

However, the “many things” really aren’t even yours to begin with. They are just all the things that, taken collectively together, can only bring us to a state of being “worried and bothered.”

Today I encourage you to choose the one thing, the good part.

Be with Jesus. Let His word, His presence, and His Spirit fill you with peace.

You will get more done when you are one with the Son. Plus you will walk in peace instead of worry throughout this world as you keep your blessed primary focus on the “one thing” instead of the “many things.”

Amen. In His grace, today make your choice for the one thing, the good thing, the best thing, and enter into His presence, at His feet, His footstool, as His priest, giving thanks, and receiving all of the life-giving fruit that is produced within you when you dwell with your God in “the good part.” Hallelujah!

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