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“I Will Give You Rest”

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest”

Matthew 11:28

“Come to Me... and I will give you rest.” 

Our one and only true rest in this life, for our innermost being,  is in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

When we come to Jesus Christ, Himself, for Him Himself, then there is always a realization of rest waiting for us in the presence of our Lord. 

According to this Scripture, the first thing we should be experiencing when we come to our Lord is rest. Coming to Jesus, for us, should always be synonymous with rest. We rest in His presence. We rest in His finished work for us. We rest in the revelation of Who He is. We rest in His love, His protection, and His commitment to us. 

The more we “rest” with our Lord in His presence, the more our awareness and understanding of Christ increases. This, in turn, increases our sense of “rest” and trust in God. 

This is our Lord’s desire, His will for us; that we fellowship with Him and minister to Him in His presence in a state of rest, so we may be increasingly filled with the knowledge and presence of Himself. This is our true spiritual rest and when we rest we are blessed. 

There is always “rest” for you when you heed your Lord’s gracious open-ended invitation, at all times, to “Come to Me.” 

The rest we experience is the rest that He personally gives us in His presence. He did say “I will give you rest.” 

Oh praise Your most blessed Name Lord Jesus. You give us rest and You are our rest. We rest in You. Thank You for giving us rest in Yourself. We love You Lord.


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