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In The Shelter Of Your Wings

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy. Let me dwell in Your tent forever; let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings”

Psalm 61:2-4

All of these great truths that David declared of God, in the Spirit, are also true for us, right now, in our God, in His Spirit.

When David wrote of dwelling in God’s tent forever, He was describing his own spiritual state of continual fellowship with God. David wasn’t literally dwelling in an actual tent forever, with a giant rock inside of it. David spoke in the spirit about the tent of God, as being the temple of God, of His presence, which David saw himself as beholding, in the spirit, at all times.

God has certainly led us to the “rock that is higher than I” in this day, to Jesus Christ our rock, the chief cornerstone of our faith, salvation, and priesthood (1st Peter 2:1-6) . God is our refuge. We abide in Him and He abides in us. God is our tower of strength against the enemy at all times.

When we minister to God in His temple within us, He lifts us up and, in the Spirit of the Living God, we “tower” above our enemies in the praises and strength of God. “He will lift me up on a rock. And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me. And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord” (Psalm 27:5-6).

So, let us gratefully dwell in His tent forever, for His tent is now within us. We are a temple of the Holy Spirit (1st Corinthians 3:16)! How exciting is this!

All of this goodness of God, that David confessed, is realized within us whenever we “take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.”

Allow your loving Lord to bring you to “the rock that is higher than I” in His tent this day, in the tabernacle of God which now lives and abides within you. Receive all the benefits, o priest of God, that He is offering you in His presence; of refuge, strength, shelter, and continual fellowship with your “rock that is higher than I.”

Yes, minister to God today and see yourself enfolded in the shelter of His wings. In His shelter there is safety, peace, protection, and victory forever.

God lifts you up and strengthens you in His presence, even as you bless and confess His goodness. Hallelujah!

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